Laborator de
analize medicale
De 25 de ani, alături de tine!
Personal Medical Laborator
Dr. Dugaesescu Dorina Ileana
Laborator și Microbiologie
Biolog Hritcu Mihaela Roxana
Dr. Dobrean Pintili Lavinia Emanuela
Medic Primar Medicină și Laborator
As. Cîmpeanu Rozalia
Asistent Principal
Dr. Ghiocel Cristina
Medic Primar
Asistenți Medicali
Puncte Recoltare Analize
As. Claudia Gutuie
Str. 1 Decembrie nr. 36
(Piaţa Crucii)
Asistent Medical
Str. Buziașului nr. 30
(lângă Magazin Profi)
Asistent Medical
Str. Vasile Goldis nr. 5
(Puncte Cardinale)
Asked Questions
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
There are many variations of healthcare of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some steps, by installing technology in healthcare hospital.
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